San Diego is the second largest city in California and is known for its ideal year round weather, 70 miles of beautiful beaches, and some of the most well-known attractions in the world. For both residents and visitors, there are several aspects that make San Diego a special place. Here are a few resources for the senior population in San Diego.
Freebies & Discounts for Seniors
Monday, June 10, 2013 (12:30-2:30 p.m.) – Do More and Hurt Less Hand Screening. Have you noticed an increase in swelling, redness or deformity in your elbows, wrists and fingers or decreased grip strength? Come to this free screening program at Sharp Memorial Outpatient Pavilion, Classroom A (3075 Health Center Drive, San Diego, CA 92123) and learn about treatment options. For more information call 1 (800) 827-4277.
Are You O.K. Daily Calls* – Senior Services’ staff and volunteers make daily “Are You O.K.?” calls to interested senior citizens between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. Call (619) 236-6905 if you would like to receive a daily call. (FREE)

Senior Citizens Legal Services* – Attorney Jaime Levine offers free legal services (donations are welcome) to senior citizens (60+ years) by appointment. Call (858) 565-1392 ext. 200 or (619) 425-2460 ext 205 or 208. (FREE)
Health Insurance Counseling* – Health Insurance Counseling & Advocacy Program (HICAP) provides free and unbiased counseling and information to Medicare beneficiaries at more than 30 sites in San Diego and Imperial Counties. This is a non-profit organization funded by the California Department of Aging and the County of San Diego Aging and Independence Services. For an appointment call (800) 434-0222 or (858) 565-8772 ext 232 or (858) 565-1392. (FREE)
*Care Placement does not endorse, sponsor, or have any other involvement and/or responsibility or other liability for their advice or services.